失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings not working

Is 失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings down?

Published by Glass Studio

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失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Troubleshooting 失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings: How to Fix Common Problems and Isuses

    失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings down?   失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings not working  

Common fixes:

  1. Clear the Cache of Your PC or Console
  2. Update 失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings game Licenses (PS Only).
  3. Power cycling your console (PlayStation 4 & Xbox One): Turn off your console » unplug power-cable for 1min. » Plug power-cable back » restart console » Run 失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings again.
  4. Install Missing Multiplayer packages.

How to Fix 失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings Game Server Connection Problems:

  1. Reset Winsock:
    • Press » Search bar » and type CMD. Now, Right-click Command Prompt when it comes up as a result and select Run as administrator.
      In Command Prompt, type 'netsh winsock reset' and hit Enter (on your keyboard).
      Now, Restart your computer and Launch 失落的琴弦-The Lost Strings and check if the issue persists.
  2. Close all other Internet connected apps.
  3. Restart your network (modem or wi-fi).

Contact Glass Studio Customer Service

If the problem still persists, contact Glass Studio customer support. Here is how:

  1. Open email client
  2. Provide all neccessary details about the issues you're experiencing.
  3. Send your email to [email protected]


【 双人联机合作冒险游戏】这是一款必须要两个人才能玩的合作冒险游戏。叫上小伙伴一起踏上冒险旅程吧! 【两位个性主人公】 史上最丑的女主角Patti,是个傲娇毒舌的盲女孩。半吊子魔法水平的精灵Bobbi,是个可爱话唠的栗子怪。【使用声音信号 互相合(作)作(死)吧】盲女:- 看不见前方的环境,需要依靠精灵给出的声音信号行动。-可以捕捉和使用声音魔法球.-可以使用武器攻击敌人。精灵:-可以看清周围的环境,需要发出不同的声音信号,引导盲女。-能使用魔法能将盲女短暂弹飞能将物件的声音转换为魔法球.【声音解谜】想要打开门锁,只需要一个类似于开锁的声音。想要避过毒烟 需要捕捉风声,用它吹散烟雾。搜集各种各样的声音魔法球,解开关卡中的谜题。【童话混搭风场景设计】试玩小样的美术素材,均由工作室成员绘制。涵盖地牢,藏书室,骷髅公爵牢房等场景,以及城堡地下的地沟油工厂。写在最后的话1)目前这个安装包是测试版demo,有一些bug。团队里的成员是0 经验开始第一尝试做游戏,哪些地方做得不好请多多批评指正。2)感谢各位大大关注我们的游戏,可以直接qq 群联系我们,群号1023622814。3)鞠躬
